Here at Go Global, we choose locations for our programs that are different than where most students would typically study abroad. We believe that this is yet another way to get students out of their comfort zones and not only do things they normally wouldn’t do, but go places they wouldn’t normally go. We love … Continue Reading »
Life after Graduation

Community Leader Dij Howes wrote a guest post on the blog just a few weeks ago about the differences between Go Global and other study abroad programs, based on her super impressive long list of study abroad experiences. And…she’s back! Today, Dij wants to enlighten you further about what studying abroad has done for her … Continue Reading »

Guest Post by: Pierce Persons “For some, it may be hard to pin point one specific event, moment or experience that transformed the trajectory of their life. However, for me I can speak of one event, one moment and one experience that made me the person I am today, and everything I mention had … Continue Reading »