After reading all about each of our programs and locations in the previous posts this month, what better way to sum it all up than with a quiz to help you choose the best program for you?! When our students meet with us one-on-one on their campuses to discuss what they want out of their study abroad experience, we work them through the differences and details of each of the programs in a survey-style format to help them select their perfect trip. But for those of you who haven’t met with us yet or don’t attend a school that’s on our college visit schedule this year, here’s a quiz that you can take yourself.
Here’s how it works …
Go through each question and write your answer down on a piece of paper as you go. For example, my results would be:
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. B
At the end of the quiz, go through the answer key at the bottom and tally each line where your letter applies. For example, my answer for #1 is B, so I would put a tally next to Cape Town LEAD. My answer for #2 is B, so I would put a tally next to Cape Town Direct and Cape Town LEAD. The program with the most tallies is your winner!
Disclaimer: Don’t base your entire decision off of this little quiz. It’s just to give you some ideas about what the big differences really are!
Are you ready? Go!
1.) How important is it that you receive college credit upon completion of the program?
A. Not important, I don’t need the credits.
B. I need the credits, but I’m flexible with what they can count for.
C. I need the credits, and I need them to count for certain classes towards my major.
2.) What kind of weather are you looking for?
A. I need it to be hot and sunny, summer weather.
B. It doesn’t matter, I’m really not concerned, cooler weather would be fine.
3.) How many outside locations — countries/cities/islands — are you looking to see while on your program?
A. As many as possible!!! I want to travel while I’m abroad.
B. I’d like to see a few!
C. I want to stay put where I am; traveling to outside locations is not a top priority for me.
4.) How important is it that you partake in service while on your trip?
A. I would like to serve as much as possible.
B. I’d like to do it a little bit.
C. It’s not a top priority for me.
5.) How interested are you in our personal development curriculum?
A. I’m interested; I’d give it a shot.
B. I want to participate in this as much as possible to learn and grow!!!
C. I have so much on my trip that I want to do and see, I don’t know if I’d give this a shot.
6.) How important is it that you do thrill-seeking adventures with us?
A. I’d rather do more relaxing activities!
B. I’m such a thrill seeker!!! This is important.
C. I can make my own thrill-seeking activities.
7.) Are you looking to have more of a structured, organized program, or more of a free, independent roaming program?
A. Free, independent roaming.
B.) Maybe a little bit of both.
Greece Direct: A, A, B, B, A, A, B
Greece LEAD: B, A, B, A, B, A, B
Cape Town Direct: A, B, C, B, A, B, B
Cape Town LEAD: B, B, C, A, B, B, B
GO: Rome: C, A, A, C, C, C, A
So, how’d you do? Check out Why Rome, Why Greece, Why Cape Town, and of course our websites: the LEAD/Direct site and the GO site, to read more about the program we guessed may be your perfect fit! If you need any help selecting your perfect program or solidifying your decision, just give us a call.
We can’t wait to hear from you and help you see the world!
-Anna and the Go Global team