We always encourage our students to keep their habits from home while abroad, especially when it comes to fitness and exercise. Amie Varano, a junior at Sacred Heart University, has some great tips for those who want to stay active while studying abroad with GoGlobal.
• Bring your athletic clothing. It is perfect for walking around the city, going to class in, and of course getting a quick work out in when you have the time.
• If you have a jump rope laying around at home, this is perfect for getting a work out in between class or before dinner.
• Ask people around you if they would like to work out with you. You will find people who will go to the gym, go on a run, or do a circuit work out with you. Even ask the GoGlobal staff members.
• If you love healthy snacks such as fruits and granola bars, go to the local market where you are visiting. But, don’t forget to bring a buddy, even though its pretty easy to find someone who is craving a healthy snack as much as you are.
• Look up a workout such as Kayla’s work out or find one online that you don’t need a gym and grab a friend to join you in on it.
• Do not bring your new pair of Nikes or work out shoes. You will get them dirty while site seeing or when you go on a run or work out.
• Don’t freak out if you cant find a gym close enough or have enough time in the time to work out.
• Don’t miss out on going out or seeing a site in the city to go work out. You’re only there for a short period of time. Enjoy it!
• Don’t miss out on certain foods just because they could appear unhealthy. Some of these foods may only be in that country and you may never have an opportunity to try them again.