Julianna Neal, a junior at the University of Alabama, has a great list of tips on the Table Mountain climb in Cape Town!
1. When Joanna tells you it is difficult think 10X as difficult as she says
2. You will be climbing stairs for 3 miles
3. Start at your own pace… do not try to keep up with people faster than you
4. No matter what you are thinking you will eventually reach the top
5. Bring lots of water
6. Bring a jacket to put on at the top
7. The people you climb with will help you to the top and you will form a bond
8. It is ok to stop and breath… I did every 10 steps
9. You will regret not taking pictures on the way up if you go too fast
10. Once you reach the top you think “Wow that was a piece of cake… and then go eat a piece of cake”
11. The view is worth the climb
12. Once you finish you can say you climbed one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world.