Bethany and Courtney on service week

Bethany Erwin, a sophomore at the University of Kentucky, learned an important lesson on the first day of service. Check out her post!

Coming into my house that I had been assigned on the first day of service, I was disappointed. I was expecting tons of kids to be waiting there and we would just immediately be overwhelmed with children. At Mrs. Candy’s house that was not the case. She has one four-year-old daughter named Courtney. Six or so of us go into Mrs. Candy’s house and definitely quiet if not awkward because I think they were expecting the same thing I was. The first day Courtney was very shy acting around us, making me jealous of the other people’s house moms who had already formed a bond on the first day. Now, I wouldn’t trade having Mrs. Candy as a house mom. Courtney has come out of her shell; she is the sweetest little girl that loves to dance and braid anyone’s hair that she can get a hold of. Service week has taught everyone in the group so much but to me, service week is about not judging any situation skin deep and to take advantage of the opportunities we are given here.