Dina in front of Table Mountain

We’ve hit the ground running in Cape Town, South Africa!  Our very first student blog of the summer comes from Dina Ghioto, a rising senior at the University of Georgia.  Read about her first impressions below! Well, I was lucky enough to be chosen to contribute to the Go Global blog verrrry early into our … Continue Reading »

Students, As you wrap up the semester and head home for the holidays, you’ll finally have the opportunity to sit down with your parents and discuss the possibilities of traveling abroad with us. Maybe you’ve already been accepted, and you’re figuring out all the details now. Or maybe you’ve held off on applying because you … Continue Reading »

While abroad, you are going to learn so many things about cultural differences. The exposure to new perspectives and unfamiliar, yet heartwarming demonstrations of humanity will begin to shape you in ways that a lack of travel experience could never replace. Through all that you see and all that you do, you will expand your … Continue Reading »

As Thanksgiving approaches, we reflect on the things we are grateful for more than ever. A roof over our head, a meal to eat, clothes to wear, friends to hug, the opportunity to go to school…the opportunity to travel. We’ve seen firsthand what it’s like for children and families who don’t have basic needs, people … Continue Reading »