Emily Cragon, a junior at Auburn University, has some great advice for anyone interested in touring Athens! 1. Your tour guide is your best friend. When touring a big city, especially a place like Athens with a lot of history, having a tour guide native to the city is a treasure and an interesting perspective … Continue Reading »

Olivia Gotwald, a senior at the College of Charleston, gives us not just blog but a VLOG (video blog)! Catch a glimpse into the life of LEAD Cape Town student by watching the video linked below! This experience is something that is really hard to describe. I had no idea what I was walking into … Continue Reading »

One of my favorite sayings is “If it makes you nervous, you’re doing it right.” Kelsey LeMon, a junior at the University of Mississippi, did not know a single person attending LEAD Cape Town and was unsure if she made the right decision, but she quickly realized that this experience is exactly what she needed … Continue Reading »