Emily Cragon, a junior at Auburn University, has some great advice for anyone interested in touring Athens! 1. Your tour guide is your best friend. When touring a big city, especially a place like Athens with a lot of history, having a tour guide native to the city is a treasure and an interesting perspective … Continue Reading »

One of my favorite sayings is “If it makes you nervous, you’re doing it right.” Kelsey LeMon, a junior at the University of Mississippi, did not know a single person attending LEAD Cape Town and was unsure if she made the right decision, but she quickly realized that this experience is exactly what she needed … Continue Reading »

All smiles in Cape Town

If you are a student interested in joining us abroad, you might find yourself having similar thoughts to Callie Cole, a junior at the University of Alabama, who never thought studying abroad in South Africa would be a part of her college experience. It was just a typical Wednesday night in Tuscaloosa sitting on my sorority’s … Continue Reading »

New friends in Cape Town

Even though our LEAD Cape Town students are only finishing week 1, Katharyn Neil, a junior at Auburn University, is already recognizing the value of living outside of your comfort zone with Go Global. As I was looking out over the ocean from Signal Hill, on my first day of being in Cape Town, I … Continue Reading »

Students at the airport

Anna Lee Price, a junior at the University of Alabama, perfectly describes how most of our students feel when first venturing away from home on a Go Global trip. Check it out below! You’re going to South Africa!!! You are headed to the airport to embark on an adventure of a lifetime without knowing what … Continue Reading »

Students viewing Table Mountain

Evie Copeland, a junior at Appalachian State University, is our very first LEAD Cape Town blogger! Check out her first impressions of this incredible place! When entering Cape Town, South Africa, for the first time, many culture changes, traditions and observations were seen. This city already had my heart with its breath-taking views, food and … Continue Reading »

Katelyn enjoying service day

Go Global’s Direct programs are the perfect fit for students who’ve always wanted to backpack. Read about Katelyn Harvey’s, a junior at the University of Arkansas, experience below! Before I heard about Go Global, my friend and I thought that we just wanted to travel abroad alone. When I heard about Direct and looked into … Continue Reading »